Skill is the key to the 21st century Learning. Emotional, Cognitive and Social skills are inculcated in children to get them future ready. While the Indian Education system today focuses on information overload, examinations and marks, it was not the case in early years. Gurukul system has been the root to our Education and needs to be revived and inculcated according to modern times. Empowering children with age-appropriate activities, skills-based learning, assessment system which makes learning joyful and bridges the learning gaps, experiential learning, giving exposure to practical project work and above all interactive teaching-learning process makes Millennium learning system a unique pedagogy and apt for future.
Children with MLS (Millennium Learning System) become proficient in creative and critical thinking, analysis, reasoning, problem-solving, data handling, and application and presentation skills.
Best pedagogical practices, latest technology, visually appealing books and catering to three different kinds of learners are few of the elements which form the five approaches to MLS-
- Little Millennium - Play Based
- MLS I (Grade I-V) - Project Based
- MLS II (Grade VI-VII) - Apprentice Based
- MLS III (Grade VIII-IX) - Mind Mapping
- MLS IV (Grade X) - Brain Based
At the end of schooling children need nurturing and a platform of opportunities to seek the correct direction and path to progress. MLS also enables parents to provide progressive learning opportunities to their children and achieve holistic education at every step. MLS is a progressive, sequential, experiential and holistic research-based curriculum, which befits every child and empowers them for tomorrow.